Shots and Thoughts

Photos and comments as I explore my passion for photography. Written to and for myself as a journal to track major moments and minor observations as I continue to evolve my visual art. 

Shooting and Viewing Photos with Emotion

My younger brother died last year in Seattle from lung and brain cancer. His last week was spent in hospice but in the recent years he was homeless, living out of his 1980's Toyota pick up truck. I got to spend a day with him about 72 hours before he passed.

NYC, 2015

NYC, 2015

I don't post or shoot homeless photos, it just doesn't resonate with me. But last week in NYC a few images brought back memories of my brother.

NYC, 2015

NYC, 2015

I have a personal, emotional response to these photos, maybe I am finally able to digest what my brother went through in his final years. 

NYC, 2015

NYC, 2015

Emotions shooting photos. Emotions viewing photos. Maybe you feel nothing. Maybe you see nothing.

Does your view change if the word "homeless" is replaced by "cancer" ?